
Free documentaries!

Here are links for 179 History Documentaries that you can watch right now, no membership required.

All of these shows are available to watch right now without a membership. Just click the links below and press play.

Or you can find them in the free PBS Video app for your Roku, Apple TV, Samsung Smart TV, Fire TV Stick, phone or tablet. 


Firestone and the Warlord

Lost Boys of Sudan


After Stonehenge

Cleopatra’s Lost Tomb

Decoding the Great Pyramid

Egypt’s Darkest Hour

Lost Ships of Rome

The Nero Files

Nero’s Sunken City

The Real Trojan Horse

The Silver Pharaoh


Grand Coulee Dam

Hollywood’s Architect

Paul Revere Williams

The Big Picture

Blank on Blank

History Detectives

Niall Ferguson’s Networld

The Origin of Everything


Beach Culture

Bootlegger Tunnels: A Journey Through LA’s Prohibition Lore


Building the Metropolis

Coded Geographies

Descanso Gardens

Desert Fantasy

Discovering the Universe

Dream Factory


Ghost Town

Griffith Park: The Untold Story

Pacific Rim

Reshaping L.A.

Shindana Toy Company: Changing the American Doll Industry

Three Views of Manzanar: Adams, Lange, Miyatake


Wild L.A.

Wild West


Many more titles can be found here.

Pauline Adamek

Pauline Adamek is a Los Angeles-based arts enthusiast with twenty-five years' experience covering International Film Festivals and reviewing new Theatre, Film and Restaurants.


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