Film Review: Jake Busey in ‘Pig Killer’ Based on the true-life exploits of a notorious serial killer, this outré film is definitely not for the weak of heart. Kurt Gardner595 views
Film Review: Zom-Rom-Com ‘As We Know It’ Three friends fight off the zombie apocalypse in Josh Monkarsh's amusing comedy — with Pam Grier! Kurt Gardner147 views
Film Review: Documentary ‘Texas, USA’ Traces the State’s Progressive Movement This documentary follows the candidates, activists and organizers who are showing what real progress looks like in a red-controlled state. Kurt Gardner193 views
Film Review: British Suspenser ‘The Latent Image’ Alexander McGregor Birrell's slow-burning thriller arrives this month from Cinephobia Releasing. Kurt Gardner283 views
Film Review: The Completely Ridiculous ‘Exorcism in Utero’ The ridiculous title may make you think it is a mess. Yes it is. Kurt Gardner508 views